Assess, Reconcile, and Cherish
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
– Mary Oliver
It’s easy to get discouraged when considering the many losses and unexpected turns that life deals us. The Life Review process allows you to take a clear and honest assessment of where you are now. It is an structured exercise process which helps you to make thoughtful choices about what you want to do in the present time and how you can create your life’s journey from this moment forward. It lets you realign your past and reimagine your future. There is no need to wait until life forces change upon you, such as being faced with a life threatening illness, to engage in a Life Review.
Purposefully and consciously participating in a Life Review offers a great opportunity to boldly reconcile yourself to that which is unlikely to change, and with this, allows you to take action where change is still possible.
For more information, contact Lynn Halper Rosen, Ph.D.